Wednesday, May 10, 2006

St. Therese

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

AAAWWWW! Thanks! You got another squeal of joy from a 5 year old!!! Now she drawing pictures of St. Therese and nuns!

Since I am also in a discernment process, She drew a picture of a nun and gave it to me and said, "Here Chels this is a picture of you!" I thought it was SO cute! Aaahhhh...the inocence of a child.


6:51 PM  
Blogger Sixtina87 said...

Dear Chelsea,
if you can get her to draw a pic for me, that would be awesome, I would sooooo post it on here!!! Too cute its is to have a little Sister that age, My little Sister is turning 6 soon. Watch out!!! LOL!!!


6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure my little sister would LOVE that! Thanks! Oh wait... I'll have to figure out how to get it to you! Hmmm... any suggestions???

7:53 PM  
Blogger Sixtina87 said...

Dear chelsea,
Praise Be Jesus Christ!!! there are several ways you can get a drawing to me!!! If you have a scanner you could always scan it and then send it me via email!!! Or you could just simply send it me via snail mail!!! Which ever is easier for you!!! I'm going to see if I canf ind some more clips or pics of therese for your sister and post them on here for her!!!

I can almost see in my mind her looking over your shoulder and squeeling with happiness to see her favorite saint!!! Has she seen St. Therese the Movie??? My little Sister and I watch it all the time!!! We even chose which one of the MArtin Sisters we repreasent!!! LOL!!!

God Bless you!!!

In him,

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sending the pic via e-mail as I write. :-)
Yes, I have seen the Therese movie but my little sister hasn't...yet. It JUST came out on DVD in our area, so I'm sure I'll be seeing it AGAIN & Again & again.... I don't think I'll get tired of it though! I have only seen it once so far and I think I could watch it alot more. It is SO inspirational. Which Martin sister are you??? :-)


7:54 PM  
Blogger Sixtina87 said...

Dear Chelsea,
Praise Be Jesus Christ!!! i can't wait to see the picture!!!! Go to Target if you decide to get the movie, its cheaper there!!! I only paid $15 for it where many may have paid $25!!! LOL!!! I have seen the movie at least 5 times since i have gotten it!!!

Which Martin Sister am i? LOL!!! Pauline of course!!! I'm the oldest and I'm like a mother to my younger Sisters!!!! However I'm the only one wanting to be a nun!!! LOL!!! However when I enter, i will be praying for my little sister who is going to be 6 to become a religious and see if she enters with my community!!! LOL!!! How kewl would that be!?!?!? So she is definatly Therese!!!! What about you??? just wondering!!!

God Bless you!!!

In Him,

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is good all the time!
You know, My mom my other sister and I were also discussing the Martin Sister Resemblence...and I was undoubtedly voted Pauline. I am also the oldest and (so far) the only one who wants to be a nun. My littlest sister, is probably like St. Therese. Although she is not the youngest, she is still the baby girl of the family. It's almost like I'm her personal Mommy. I love the connection we have. I love little sisters!! (at least most of the time!) :-)

Your sister in Christ,

8:25 PM  
Blogger Sixtina87 said...

Isn't that just the funniest thing!?!?! LOL!!!!

8:36 PM  

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