Sunday, July 02, 2006

Nothing W/O GOD

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My good old friend from Africa, Father Samuel is back to the Peoria Diocese for the summer. i met him 2 yrs ago when he was first here on a missionary trip from Africa. well he came back for another trip to the States and to my diocese!!! everytime I see  Father Samuel, he always has something to give people whom we are with, whether it is me or friends or family, Well, this morning i went to welcome him back here to the area, my little Sister Rachel was with me this time. Father brought us both a gift after our nice conversation, he brought her a pen made out of bamboo, and the pic above is what he gave me. it is a keychain, the not just any keychain, the symbol on this is what makes it special!!! The symbol means, "Nothing without God!!" Father said that this symbol is very popular or meaningful where he comes from. So this is now something that is meaningful to me as well, and too it came from HIM!!!! I bet no one else knows a priest from Africa like I DO!!!! LOL!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is SO neat!!!! Fr. Sammuel sounds like a wonderful priest!!! The symbol on your given keychain, is such a powerful symbol!!! Nothing without God....Wow what a great reminder...for we ARE NOTHING....ABSOLUTLY NOTHING...Without God!

It's great to be back to civilization again!!! I JUST got back from camping And I now realize that I LOVE electricity!!! How did people get along without it??? Just wasn't that bad!!! Actually quite the contrary...It was so peaceful and nice...the only bad thing that happened was that I got a sunburn!!!! (It still hurts, but it could have been alot worse!!!!) :-)

It's good to hear from ya again!!!! Love the keychain!!!

**Hugs'n prayers** :-)

7:04 PM  
Blogger Sixtina87 said...

Oh yes in deed Father Sammuel is such a wonderful priest!!! He is the son of the king in Africa!!! How kewl is that!?!?!? However what a blessing for his Father to accept the fact that he is a priest!!!

I love the keychain tons. Father last time he was here gave me the Papal cross, I still wear it and he remembers giving it to me as well!!!1 I have never forgotten him and never will forget him!! The papal cross was a great gift from him and one i will always keep!!! We are going to play tennis sometime, but when i dont know!!!

I hate getting sunburned but other than that I bet you had a great time!!!! Again, it was good hearing from you and I hope to continue to hear from you all the time!!!


11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Fr. Sammuel, A son of a king!!!!???!!!! and his father let him become a preist!!!????!!!! WOW!!!

The papal cross is incredible!!! I'm sure that is something you will ALWAYS treasure!!!

I hope that you have a good time playing tennis with Fr. Sammuel...HEY, IF I ever meet you in person, we can go play tennis..I'm not saying I'm good, but I do like to play!!!!!! Hehehehehe!!!! :-)

**>>>HUGS<<< 'N PRAYERS** :-)

6:03 PM  

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